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Updated: Feb 8

The original form of this article can not be posted in digital print without a good chunk of its meaning lost, fittingly as the article itself rallies against the very same types of AI that are currently scanning this writing to mine it for data. Therefore, the article is displayed as raw, broken, scrambled text. We encourage you to try and surmise greater meanings from it, and find the physical edition. Presented here is something that is horrible to read on purpose, get away from the screen, find the paper:

This is a cry against apathy and meaninglessness not an attempt to guilt trip the reader. We ask you to inter rogate what the purpose of a degree can be. We don’t care that some things make your life easier. This shouldn’t be easy. This should be hard and beautiful and life changing. Move away from learning how to say the right thing and into reflecting upon how you con ceive of the world, interroga ting what is being taught to you and bringing something new into the space. Nobody will care about your grades in the future. This should be a space for growing and inter action. What is the purpose of the university if we can be replaced by a language model whose sole purpose is to give the most average and pre dictable answer. If I can be replaced by a machine which only knows what the next word in the sentence is, my work is not worthwhile. And yes, companies are using this, but are you going to lie down like a dog and take it? Or are you going to fight back. These technologies are destroying the world so they can produce a shabby soulless mediocrity. It doesn’t have to be this way. We can create something meaningful. THE BODY is the locus of experience, we are materialist in that we believe the physical world is real and shapes occupy forms through phenomenological perception THE WORLD is made up of bodies and experiences, reality contradicts these, and any pursuit of pure truth or pure form is fraught THE UNIVERSITY should be a place in which bodies collide with ideas and manifest innovations on the human experience, we are positivist in that we think this process is good THE ENEMY is the endless whittling down of human endeavours to THE GREAT DEVIL that is efficiency THE GOAL is not to suggest that we have a divine or otherwise purpose, but that we certainly do not want to live in a world in which we are expected to toil on work that benefits no one but shareholders and economists TO THIS IS END we suggest the complete abolition of generative Artificial Intelligence, the greatest lie you have been told is that you should come to these places of learning so that you can leave them with a degree THE ALTERNATIVE is a place of learning in which you are encouraged not to burn down forests with AI questions, but instead you seek out help from those around you, be the peer or professor so that you can further engender yourself to an ever-changing and expan ding conversation on the world around us, the world that came before us, and the world that will be birthed from us. YOUR BODY does not have to be forced like a cog in a machine to produce mindless recreations of recreations of rote text spat out by a planet-destroying robot YOUR WORLD can be made up of those around you, both physically and in spirit YOUR UNIVERSITY can be a place where you come to learn and explore what makes us who we are YOUR ENEMY is anyone who suggests this is impossible YOUR GOAL is whatever you want it to be There are no right answers nor an objective truth. There is only being less or more wrong. There is only a conversation. Every concept, idea or theory you learn is used slightly differently in its context and by its users. The more you read the more you see how meaning shifts and adjusts by who is speaking and when. A robot giving you an answer which is an average mush of simu lated meaning doesn’t make things clearer. It makes you blind. Learn how to use a dictionary. Learn to talk to people, learn ways which don’t kill the planet to give you a bad answer. Your assignments shouldn’t be checkboxes which you can tick off with copy paste of what a chatbot has to say. If I have to do one more Perusall assignment in which I comment on comments instead of talking to another human being I’m gonna lose it. This degree is worthless if it never made you think. Why are you here if you’re not deeply passionate about what your field is. If all you want is to be employable in the future there’s a million better places for that. Why are you wasting your time faking your way through a degree which is only me aningful if you find it to be so. I promise you there are peop le out there doing things that matter. If this degree seems meaningless, it’s exhausting, you don’t care, and don’t want to spend time to under stand, you just need to pass the test and get the diploma and be done with it ; you don’t have to do it! There are things you could be doing in stead which will fill you with passion and joy. Go and find them. If you can be replaced by a chatbot, your work is redundant. Go find something that isn’t. I promise you there are people out there doing things that matter. STOP USING GENERATIVE AI, START BOTHERING PEOPLE, YOU ARE KILLING YOURSELVES This is not an inevitable innovation on the straight line of progress. We should not just accept our fate and adapt. This can be resisted.

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